Mother Russia And The Zionist Arms Merchants








Viktor Bout








Arrested In 2008 For Terrorism








When Zionists Want A Country's Minerals

Viktor Will Supply The Rebels









A C-130 Returning From A Darfur Raid







Is Israel Supplying The Death Merchants In Chad?







The Merchant Of Death

Viktor Anatolyevich Bout was born in 1967 in the Ukraine, to Jewish parents. He is nicknamed "the Merchant of Death."














Sudan Is Rich In Oil

Viktor is supplying Shlomo Zabludowicz with weapons, and aerial bombardment of Darfur's villages.










Typical Destroyed Village

Bout has a C-130 0ut of Chad drop a fuel air bomb on an isolated village. The rumor becomes that the Muslims in Khartoum raided and burnt the village.









Zionist Financed A Savior

In the Sudan they used John Garang,  a college professor turned rebel












Wherever There Is A Zionist Interest

He supplied the anti-Taliban rebels, The Philippine insurgents, Angola rebels, Sierra Leon conflict, and Taylor of Liberia. 









Hollywood Made A Movie About Bout

A movie called 'Lord of the wars' stars Nicholas Cage as Bout. He is portrayed as a glamorous James Bond type, versus a the real bout who is a 'Greasy Zionist Criminal'










Bout's Wife

He resides in Russia with his wife, Alla, and her father, Zuiguin, who holds a high position in the KGB, perhaps even as high as a Deputy Chairman."










He Supplies Al-Qaeda

These people aren't glamorous, they supply revolutions. Where are the Iraqi insurgents getting missiles to take down airliners, or the shape charges used in Baghdad.










When An American City Gets Nuked

The only way Israel can legitimately blame Abdul is to create a terror cell, and have a creature like this sell the weapon.











Finally Gets Arrested

He is being held in Thailand, and if given bond he will flee to Israel. 5







 Judicial Index