The Marsha Levine Murder






Perry March Is Her Husband






Marsha's Parents Are The Levines






Who Is Perry March

 He is a lawyer at Bass Berry & Sims, in Tennessee.









Peeping At The Keyhole

March had to pay a  paralegal $24,000 in an out-of-court settlement because he sexually harassed her at Bass Berry & Sims, the law firm where he had worked until 1991. He had been caught on videotape "leaving sexually explicit notes" on how he fantasized about her underwear. 








His Wife Finds Out

On August 16,1996 he beat her to death, and claimed she had taken a vacation.










Perry Now Leaves For Mexico

March had decided to start a new life in the town of Ajijic, 30 miles from Guadalajara, where his father, Arthur March,  who 'claims' to be a retired Army colonel, lives.









Arthur March

Perry's father who always detested his wife, and her parents. He called her a JAP (Jewish American Princess) and the parents were arrogant.

Like many other Zionists, Arthur declared himself a 'War Hero'.









Abe Levine Gets Perry Extradited

He is a big wig in the Tennesse political arena, and gets the DA to extradite his son-in-law.










Perry's Cell Mate - Wayne Farris

Perry oddly befriends a white supremacist, and pays him to kill the Father-in-law, Abe Levine. Under pressure from fellow neo Nazis Farris decides to sell out the Jewish March father, and son.








The Father Helped With The Body

Arthur March, his own father,  traveled to Nashville from Mexico to help his son with the children after Janet March had disappeared and wound up becoming Perry's accomplice. Arthur also admitted to helping his son clean bloodstains in the house and disposing of the hard drive from Perry's computer before the house was searched. He referred to the police who conducted the search as "Nazi Gestapo storm troopers." 5













The Father Confesses

Arthur, and his son, moved Janet's body from the construction site to Kentucky where they hid the remains in a brush pile.











The March Family Is Convicted

On October 28, 2005, Perry and Arthur March were formally charged with conspiracy to commit first-degree murder and two counts of solicitation to commit first-degree murder.














Never Found The Body

 Nine years later when he tried to locate the spot with the police, he couldn't find it because, he said, the road had been widened and the landscape had changed. To this day, Janet March's body has never been found.










 Judicial Index