Robert Fisk Sees Why The Internet Bloggers Are Winning







Fisk Contends Newspaper Are Too Restrictive

Fisk points out that two articles, one on the Armenian Genocide, and the other on the Toronto College killings, were rewritten, and how the reporters were censored.






No Wonder The Bloggers Are Winning

Fisk says: - "I despise the internet. It's irresponsible and, often, a net of hate. And I don't have time for Blogopops. But here's a tale of two gutless newspapers which explains why more and more people are Googling rather than turning pages."





Newspapers Bring It On Themselves

Last year, Los Angeles Times assigned reporter Mark Arax to a routine story on the 1915 Armenians  genocide of one and a half million Turks. The trouble was that Jewish interests didn't want it called a genocide, but Mark Arax would not go along.






L.A. Times Managing Editor

"A Douglas Frantz reassigns this to a  Rich Simon, who concentrated on Turkey's attempt to block Congress from recognizing the Armenian slaughter and whose story ran under the headline "Genocide Resolution Still Far From Certain".

Mark Arax was Armenian, and Rich Simon was probably Jewish.






Fisk' Next Complaint

The investigation of  college murder in Montreal last September.







Kimveer Gill

He walked into a Montréal college, killing two, and wounding eighteen.






Jan Wong (nee Jan Shulman) Was the Reporter, But Not PC Enough

"She compared the killer to a half-Algerian Muslim who murdered 14 women in another Montreal college shooting in 1989 and to a Russian immigrant who killed four university colleagues in Montreal in 1992. "In all three cases," she wrote, "the perpetrator was not 'pure laine', the argot for a 'pure' francophone." 

Her sin was discussing race in the multicultural sewer of Toronto.






But Here Is The Truth

Fisk just spews more disinformation, and cloaks it in a cloud of wordy nonsense.

The Armenian massacre was orchestrated by Zionists in their quest for control of Turkey. The Canadian shootings were part of a master plan for world gun control. The two censoring newspapers are owned by two Zionists, Robert Murdoch, and Izzy Asper.



Original article







Are Internet Readers Winning?

There is a small percentage of readers, maybe 2%, that really want a different version of the news. But that 2% tells another 5%, and that can be dangerous.

The standard refrain is the 'Internet is full of hate', on the other hand the newspapers are full of slanted propaganda.





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