Is Judge Abraham Greene A Racist?






He Remarked That The Defendant Was A "Non-Human"






Does That Include The Jury?





Zionists Refer To Blacks as Macacas, Monkeys, And Schwartzers








Judges Weinstein, Greene , And Blume




A Chief Judge In Broward County, Florida

Circuit Judge Charles Greene used the initials ''NHI'' (No Humans Involved) in April after jurors acquitted a defendant of attempted murder. 6





Greene Was Disappointed In The Jury

The Judge says the term 'No Humans Involved" is a concept that refers to jurors' inability to care about or sympathize with the victim and witnesses, Greene said.










Holocaust Survivor And Victim Of Anti Semitism

Greene said that because he was ridiculed as a child for wearing an eye patch after losing his right eye to cancer at age 6 and suffered anti-Semitism in college and in his early years as a prosecutor in Fort Myers, he would never intentionally demean anyone based on race or for any other reason.







One Wealthy Judge

He says he belongs to a group called "The flying Angels". ''If he gets a call that a child needs to get to Houston for a liver transplant, he immediately gets in his plane and flies the child,'' Sanders said.













What Happens To A Surly Defendant?

Some 'Nigger' doesn't kow tow to this Judge, and he gets the max.










Would A Fellow Zionist Get Special Treatment?

What if Shem Gouldsky, a porn king, was up on charges of child pornography, kidnapping, and white slavery. Would he get the wink and nod from the Judge?












Fellow Judges Review Case

It took the Judicial Qualifications Commission only five minutes Thursday to decide Greene had done nothing wrong, said Greene's attorney, Dale Sanders.







What's The Big Deal?

A Zionist Judge calling defendants, jury, or bystanders a bunch of non-human apes is serious. A blatant prejudice could cause older cases, and sentences, to be open to mistrials. It also shows the Zio-Superiority, and contempt, for others. How many young blacks got heavy sentences because this clown was in a bad mood.

Then you need to look at that high percentage of  law professors, law students, and judiciary who are Zionists. There is always the question of pro-racial preferences concerning fellow Zionists.





 Judicial Index