A Shooter Kills Nine People






Robert Hawkins








A Three Story Mall In Omaha, Nebraska





















Van Maur Is A Very Upscale Mall







The Gun Control Lobby

Talk about another gift to the Gun Control Lobby. You got rampages in high schools, colleges, malls, Amish grammar schools, etc.











The Killer

Robert A. Hawkins, 19, of Bellevue, Nebraska, briefly enter the Von Maur department store, then left the store and returned six minutes later concealing an AK-47 assault rifle.






Shot From Third Floor

Hawkins took an AK-47 and killed five women and three men, age from 24 to 66 died. He wounded five more.







Police Secure The Perimeter

Seven people were found dead at the scene by officers who arrived six minutes later; two others died at Creighton University Medical Center, said Fire Chief Robert Dahlquist.






Under State Custody

The governor said Hawkins had been a ward of the state for about four years, but he did not specify in what capacity. The state's custody was terminated in August of 2006.






Fired From McDonalds

Why didn't the shooter go here and settle his score?







Shooter Lived In A State Foster Home

Ben Glass, 31, the son of Hawkins' former foster mother Mary Glass said he lived there four years.






Was There A Psychiatrist

It's a safe guess that the shooter was seeing a shrink.






The DeMur Chain

The family are old Germans who own 22 stores.








Feinstein, Schumer, And The Gun Control Lobby

This has nothing to do with guns, that's like blaming the car when a drunk hits someone.







Manchurian Candidates?

It wouldn't be that hard for a psychiatrist, psychologist, etc., to channel a wacko.






Someone Should Get Serious

Enough of writing this off as 'troubled individuals'. Look at every person these shooters dealt with in the last ten years.

If it is random, then spend $10 million to profile a brewing timebomb.









Too Much Of A Pattern

All these recent shooters have been under psychiatric care. These stories are all the same "Madman gets gun and people die", but there is never any background. Then there is the constant fact the shooters always kill themselves.

As far out as it may seem, these shootings could be orchestrated events. I have to imagine a shrink could pick out, and program, one of these nutcases pretty easily.






Virginia Tech
Pearl High School massacre
Red Lake Massacre
Columbine Massacre
Amish Massacre

Port Arthur Massacre

Canadian Gun Control

Judicial Index