Jack The Ripper Was A Monster







He Not Only Killed, He Also Butchered His Victims










Jack's Famous Note Left At One Murder

"Don't blame all Jews For What I Have Done"










On that same night, a police constable on his rounds discovered a piece of Catherine Eddowes' blood-covered dress on the ground in a passageway on Goulston Street. Immediately above the bloody piece of cloth, which the Ripper had probably used to wipe his knife and then discarded, was a chalked message which read: The Juwes (sic) Are the Men that will Not be Blamed for Nothing.






The Ripper Butchered His Women

Much has been made about this graffito, and it has been argued that the Ripper wrote it and wanted it to be seen, or that the "Juwes" did not refer to "Jews," but my belief is that it was simply random chance that it was found beneath the piece of Eddowes' dress and was mistakenly attributed to the killer. The area was full of graffiti and from its description this particular message covered only a few small bricks.




The White Chapel Citizens Kept A Close Eye On All Jews

The most important thing it indicates is the way the Gentiles of the area felt about the Jews. Evidently they had learned, at least the person who chalked this message had, that the Jews "will not be blamed for nothing" -- in other words, you can't accuse the Jews of anything because they will deny it. Much like they do today. Further evidence of what the general public felt about the Jews is exemplified by The East London Observer that, "On Saturday in several quarters of East London, the crowds who had assembled in the streets began to assume a very threatening attitude towards the Hebrew population of the district. It was repeatedly asserted that no Englishman could have perpetrated such a crime... and that it must have been done by a Jew..."








The Horror Of Judaic Sacrifices

Indeed, the practice of Jewish ritual slaughter of animals by quickly slitting their throats according to religious doctrines was exactly the way all five of the canonical victims were dispatched, according to their autopsies (though some argue strangulation was employed first). But how much "anti-Semitism" would Londoners be allowed to get away with since the Jew Lionel de Rothschild had become a Member of Parliament in 1857 and Jewish influence had steadily been gaining ground? The answer is very little, as evidenced by the actions of the Commissioner of Police, Charles Warren, who washed off the cryptic graffito to avoid a backlash against the Jews by angry mobs of Gentiles.






Germany Made Films Warning It's Citizens

As a side note here, if one has never seen Jewish ritual slaughter of animals in person or on film and is not squeamish, one can see an example of this in that classic German film Der Ewige Jude - The Eternal Jew. The film also mentions the fact that those evil "Nazis" of National Socialist Germany were the first to pass laws against animal cruelty. There are photographs available of the Ripper's victims but I have not included them here out of good taste. One can find these on the Internet at sites dedicated to the Ripper "mystery."







Jack The Ripper

Judicial Index