A Young Prisoner Discovers He Is Jewish







Another Kosher Nazi

Ex-Nazi, Norman Lee Toler, a Missouri prison inmate, now admits he is Jewish.   The rotund white supremacist took it to federal court in St. Louis, saying he is Jewish and losing weight eating non-kosher food.






Izzie Raped A 11 Year Old

He is currently serving a 10-year sentence for statutory rape in Pettis County. The victim was under age 14, court documents state.






Zionists Lawyers

Toler's food saga began two years ago, with his Jewish lawyers, Nathan Plumb and Heidi Durr filed a federal lawsuit that said prison officials repeatedly denied his requests for kosher food, violating both federal law and his constitutional right of religious expression. A U.S. District Judge Jean C. Hamilton will rule by the end of February.










Why Did He Discover His Roots?

90% of Jewish prisoners wind up in medical facilities. Doing time in Rexnord Level One medical camp is a lot different than doing time in Pelican Bay, especially for a child molester. He will receive all sorts of accommodations, and eligibility for parole is assured.










Should Izzie Get Special Treatment?


Yes - He is probably a holocaust survivor
No - Put him in general population at Pelican Bay, and rooming with the Aryan Brotherhood


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