Canadian Court Overturns Indian Hate Crime






Seventy Five Year Old Canadian Indian Chief






The Chief Accused Jews Of Nation Wrecking







This Is One Of Canada's Lowest Points

Canadians, who are frontiersmen, and builders, have had their government infested by a small minority of Zionists. They went insane when a popular war hero, David Ahenakew, called them draft dodging nation wreckers.






Chief Gets Reprieve

The Saskatchewan provincial court overturned the conviction of a North American Indian leader for hate crimes against Jews.

David Ahenakew, now 74, was convicted in 2005 of willfully promoting hatred for endorsing Adolf Hitler and telling a reporter in December 2002 that Jews bent on global domination were responsible for World War II.






His Attorney

Ahenakew's attorney Doug Christie said 'The B'nai Brith should learn a lesson that Canadians are fed up with Zionists playing overlords."






Jewish Representative

"We call on Canada's highest court to recognize clearly the hate-filled message of Ahenakew's remarks," said Frank Dimant, executive vice president of B'nai Brith Canada.






Jews Will Appeal Decision

Jewish group B'nai Brith called on the Crown to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court of Canada, saying in a statement, "The matter cannot rest here."







The Canadian Indian Chief's Words

At a Indian Affairs conference, in December 2002, Ahenakew told a reporter Jews are "a disease."  "Hitler came in ... and made damn sure that the Jews didn't take over Germany or Europe."






Canada's Prime Minister

Steven Harper is a true stain on one of the greatest people in the world.






The Canadian Major Executed By Israel

Steven Harper

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