U.S. Army Colonel Jakob Amen Was A Lead Attorney At Nuremberg 









He Claimed Nazis Had Little Gas Wagons They Took From Town To Town

'Artist drawing' of holocaust survivor's accounts









Colonel Jakob Said The Einsatzgruppen Shot 90,000 Jewish Children 








This Comes From Yale's Archives On Nuremberg

Below is a transcript between the Zionist Jakob Amen as he questioned the elite SS General Olendorf. You need to believe that crack Waffen SS officers took Jewish toddlers to a field, had them stand over a ditch, and the SS put a pistol to the kid's heads and shot them.







General Otto Olendorf

SS General Otto Olendorf wasn't considered "important" enough to be prosecuted during the first round of war crimes tribunals, despite the fact that he testified to personally ordering the execution of more than 90,000 Jews. Under questioning from prosecutor Col. John Amen, Olendorf's testimony summed up the worst qualities of many of the defendants, an incredibly detached attitude toward the Reich's program of genocide, consistently showing more regret for the workplace stress endured by the executioners than for the victims of said executions:


COL. AMEN: What were (the S.S. officers') instructions with respect to the Jews and the Communist functionaries?

OHLENDORF: The instructions were that in the Russian operational areas of the Einsatzgruppen the Jews, as well as the Soviet political commissars, were to be liquidated.

COL. AMEN: And when you say "liquidated" do you mean "killed?"

OHLENDORF: Yes, I mean "killed." (...) Some of the unit leaders did not carry out the liquidation in the military manner, but killed the victims singly by shooting them in the back of the neck.

COL. AMEN: And you objected to that procedure?

OHLENDORF: I was against that procedure, yes.

COL. AMEN: For what reason?

OHLENDORF: Because both for the victims and for those who carried out the executions, it was, psychologically, an immense burden to bear. (...) Until the spring of 1942, yes. Then an order came from Himmler that in the future women and children were to be killed only in gas vans.

COL. AMEN: How had the women and children been killed previously?

OHLENDORF: In the same way as the men, by shooting.

COL. AMEN: What, if anything, was done about burying the victims after they had been executed?

OHLENDORF: The Kommandos filled the graves to efface the signs of the execution, and then labor units of the population leveled them. (...) I received the report that the Einsatzkommandos did not willingly use the vans.

COL. AMEN: Why not?

OHLENDORF: Because the burial of the victims was a great ordeal for the members of the Einsatzkommandos.







What A Hoax

Bad enough these Germans were put on trial by Zionist draft dodgers, who sat out the war in Harvard, and who were commissioned US officers just for the Nuremberg trials. But now people are told by a group of volunteer Zionist students at Yale, that these are actual transcripts.




The Nuremberg Farce

Nuremberg Trial Video

Judicial Index