London Judge Fears Anti-Semitic Backlash









Another Zionist Dungeon Master Is Discovered

A father has been rapeing his two daughters for the last 25 years, and they have nine children. The father then rapes these children, and Britain is up in arms. In a highly unusual move a Judge Abraham Goldsack says the case must be sealed.





A Monster Stalks The British Countryside

A father who repeatedly raped his two daughters over a 25-year period, and made them pregnant 19 times, has been jailed for life today at Sheffield Crown Court. The court refuses to named the man for 'legal reasons'. The defendant, a self-employed businessman from Sheffield, admitted last month to 25 rapes and four indecent assaults. 5







It Started When The Daughters Were Five Years Old

His campaign of abuse started when the girls were about eight years old. His elder daughter became pregnant seven times and gave birth to four of his children, although two of them died on the day they were born. He made his younger daughter pregnant 12 times. She has five surviving children.







A Small Rural Town

In the early 1990s, the defendant moved the family to an isolated village in Lincolnshire.







The Police Were Afraid

Town's people have gone to the police a number of times over the years. “We all suspected what was going on, did not agree with it and it was reported to the police when the oldest daughter first gave birth. We went to the police but nothing was done.”








There Were Nine Children Born

The beast fathered nine children, and he collected thousands in monthly state welfare checks.





Fritzel the Austrian 'Dungeonmaster'

 Judicial Index