The ADL Says We Must Attack Iran







Abe Foxman Says "Time To Go"







Iran Must Be Attacked








 Jews Say Americans Must Protect Israel









Iran Is A Danger To Israel






Jews Say Americans Sat Back In 1939







World must wake up to urgent threat of a nuclear Iran

Even before the publication of the National Intelligence Estimate, I had the feeling we were in one of those historic moments: A threat is emerging to the very existence of the state of Israel, not to say the entire world,  and no one will do anything.






The Jewish People Have Suffered Enough

The threat, of course, comes from the Islamic regime of Iran, a regime whose leader has publicly and repeatedly talked brazenly of "wiping Israel off the map" and which is getting closer to developing a nuclear bomb.







This Is An Urgent Matter

What galls the Jewish community is the lack of urgency about this threat. This won't be solved in the UN, no this takes American boots on the ground.






Jews Only Kill Terrorists, While Iranians Are Butchers

Israelis only kill terrorists like the kid on the right, who Jew sniper took out before he could throw a rock at an Israeli tank. Iran is a troubling country, supporting terrorism, abetting U.S. enemies in Iraq, a major violator of human rights. 






Time Is Short

Iran is continuing to enrich uranium, and is expanding its delivery system for such a weapon.






Israel Spits On The UN Reports

For Israel, the NIE report is a disaster. Though Israel tries to be restrained about it because America is its great friend, the threat is real and looming. The NIE undercut momentum for action and distorted and undermined the perception that Iran is getting perilously close to reaching nuclear capability.

Israeli experts talk in terms of one or two years, and while they do so, the world fiddles.








The State Of Israel Must Be Protected

Unfortunately, procrastination is the order of the day. Then what? If Israel perceives Teheran within reach of attaining its nuclear goal, will Israel have any choice but to protect itself and take preemptive action?







Ehud Barak Demands Action

The world should stop fiddling for its own sake. It is not propaganda to say that a nuclear Iran would be the greatest threat to world peace and survival. The closer Iran gets to a bomb, the more Middle Eastern states will see Iran as a threat and develop their own nuclear programs. This raises the chances dramatically of nuclear Armageddon.

Or will the world blame Israel for taking action to protect itself, and by doing so, make the world a far safer place with a delayed nuclear Iran than one already realized?






It Is 1939, And Time To Act

It is time to get out of our lethargy. And, if we don't, at least the world must understand that this is not 1939, that a Jewish people exposed to existential threats this time around are not helpless and trapped but have real options of their own.


Full article









Who Cares About Abe Foxman

If Foxman, and all theses pro-Zionist students want a war, then I say good. Send these Yiddish Mama's Rosy Cheek Little Bubbelehs to Fort Knox for basic training and off to Iran. I will go along with making Abe Foxman a Lt Col, and he can led the First Regimental Hillel Brigade into Tehran.








Should Our Children Die For Israel?

Yes - We let the Jews down in 1939
No - The Jewish people start the wars, so let them fight for once free polls







Judicial Index