$200 Billion Dollar Holocaust Bill In US Congress







Nazi's Stole Heim Colonstein's Father's Ming Vases







What Is The Price Of A Lost Childhood?






Thrown Into Giant Ovens That Blackened The Sky







Using Clowns To Lead Innocent Children To Gas Chambers







Mother And Child Go From Das Gassum Chamber To The Oven






Forced To Do Manual Labor








Congress Set To Compensate Jewish Holocaust Survivor's Children

Hopefully the American government , and the US taxpayers, can give some relief for the second generation holocaust survivors.







Congress Rushes To Pass Holocaust Legislation

The Holocaust Insurance Accountability Act of 2007 is now snaking its way through committees, in preparation for what is to quite possibly going to be a huge extortion of money from the American taxpayer.






Jews Want 'Dowry Insurance Monies'

Experts estimate that the value, in 2006, of unpaid life, annuity, endowment, and dowry insurance theft from European Jewry from the Holocaust, amount to $200 billion.

They claim Nazis stole their wedding dowry funds, so US taxpayers must pony up.







The Zionist-Controlled US Courts

This act will give Holocaust™ survivors, heirs, dependents, and others, access to U.S. courts for the purpose of entertaining legal actions against insurance companies, even when those claims have already been denied by European Courts. And let them pursue legal action and seek redress--MONEY--against insurance or RELATED companies and seek damages. (Related Companies? Is no one safe from the latest Holocaust™ money extortion scheme?)







All Monies To Be Adjusted In Today's Dollars

And the amounts are to be tripled, and include interest.








Insurance Companies Must pay

If the insurance company does not pony up information and money, they are subject to losing their business license.

Initially, but in turn, they'll increase our rates to make up for the loss of income






US Faulted For Treatment Of Jewish Refugees

What about the insurance companies that, for whatever reason, no longer exist? How does one get that money? Well, our lap dog Congress has an answer for that in
H.R. 1185, entitled the Wartime Treatment Study Act, which establishes a Commission on Wartime Treatment of Jewish Refugees.

In part, this act reads "... including a review of the underlying rationale of the United States Government's decision to refuse the Jewish and other refugees entry, the information the United States Government received or acquired suggesting such refusal was necessary, the perceived benefit of such refusal, and the impact of such refusal on the refugees."







Who's behind this Holocaust™ dunning scheme?

Rep. Wexler and Rep. Ros-Lehtinen are behind this Fleecing of the American Public Act of 2007. Yes, that same Wexler, as pointed out in WUFYS, who is raising a ruckus about the Cheney impeachment bill, which is dying a slow death in committee. But, it serves to distract the quivering masses from that hand reaching into their pocket to extract some bucks for the Holocaust™ .






Congress Has No Money For Walter Reed

Or, type in Walter Reed. As in the Walter Reed Hospital that was shown this past year to be keeping our wounded vets stranded in squalid conditions, forcing them to live in rooms with mold on the walls, vermin running about and vets living in their own waste, and you'll see:






Congress Has No Time For The Housing Crisis

Go to the Library of Congress web page and do some research for yourself to see what bills our Congress has been working on.

At this site, try typing in subprime mortgages, the fraudulent scheme enacted by the banking industry that is causing people to lose their homes, making families destitute and damaging the economy and you'll see:







326 Congressional Bills On Israeli And Holocaust Aid

Israel has our Congress serving at its beck and call, always more than ready, willing and able to shovel ever increasing loads of our money to that pariah nation and you'll see:

Does this Holocaust™ racket ever end, or is it a kind of perpetual-motion money-making machine, designed to continually pump OUR money into the Zionists' pocketbooks?

Better start learning Yiddish now, so you'll be able to recite the revised Pledge of Allegiance in that country that is now known as Israel West





God Bless Israel

Pick up a newspaper and read about Israel, phony hate crimes, US soldiers dead or maimed in that Zionist-engineered Iraqi war, and better yet how we must attack Iran.



 Greg Bacon






A look at Auschwitz

Judicial Index