The University Shooter Was A Polish-American Jew






The University Is In A Small Town







A State University In A Rural Setting












Where The Shootings Took Place



























The Gun Control Crowd Are Licking Their Chops









The Shooter

27-year-old former student Stephen Kazmierczak, used a shotgun, plus three pistols. There are seven dead, and twenty-four wounded.







The Killer's Poppa

The father, Robert Kazmierczak, gave no comment. The origin of the name Kazmierczak.






His Psychiatrist

"He had stopped taking medication and become somewhat erratic in the last couple of weeks," according to his shrink, who remains unidentified.






The University President

Jonathan Peters runs the University, which pushes student diversity, and the school is peppered with fellow Zionists. Dr. Peters is married to Barbara Cole Peters.







Campus Police

Campus Police Chief Donald Grady said investigators recovered 48 shell casings and six shotgun shells following the attack in Cole Hall.  He shot himself to death on the stage of the hall.






Bush Won't Fight A Gun Ban

Bush will be faced with more pressure from the Gun Control Lobbies.







Feinstein, Boxier, And Schumer

The gun control lobby wants action.







Zionists Are Desperate For Gun Control

Polish-American Jew who got eight years of scholarships, and suddenly flips out. There should be a detailed check into his background, his associates, his shrink, the drugs he took. The investigators should do a complete medical toxicological screen. This pattern of drugs, and unbalanced students, coupled with post-massacre suicide, just has the ring of an organized group.

It wouldn't take a lot for sayanims to put this kind of plan into action.




History of Gun Control

Canada And Gun Control

Judicial Index