Was The Stereotyping All Bad?






"Don't Tell Your Father I Lowered The Price"







"Would You Like A Job At Our Medical Practice?"







The German Aryan Stereotype









 The Vietnam Draft Dodger Stereotype







The Christian Co-Ed  Stereotype









Races Create Their Own Stereotypes

Stereotypes do not equal bigotry, narrow-mindedness or hatred. Stereotypes are the wisdom of our forefathers inarticulately phrased and applied generally to different groups within a population.






The Uppity Negro Stereotype

For instance, segregation was not supported by our ancestors because they hated people of African descent, but because they knew something that we still know, but that our media has told us to forget again. The amnesia of our folk has been imbued into our consciousness in so many ways.






A Typical Restricted Country Club

Jews were not kept out of certain clubs, hotels and businesses because there was a mindless hatred or “anti-Semitism” involved, but because our ancestors knew what most other people historically also knew about the character and the team efforts of Jewish tribalists within a host country, culture or society.






Once CC Drop Restrictions

Again, what many sense or already know intrinsically and subconsciously has to be relearned again thanks to media efforts conducted for the purposes of collective amnesia.






Plato's View

Plato was right, at least in part. He believed that a person knew everything at birth, yet somehow forgot this storehouse of knowledge. The philosopher’s job was to recall. We don’t know everything at birth and in some ways are tabula rasas, yet many of the lessons learned early on are worth keeping, and worth relearning if such a process proves necessary, and the old wisdom was somehow forgotten or lost along the way.







Today's Academics Cloud The Stereotype issue

The dashing, dulling and dismembering of stereotypes can cause the death of many things, including historical memory. The efforts by our Jewish supremacist media to blot out stereotypes (unless they apply to those of European descent) are hoodwinking attempts at subterfuge by these same supremacists, an erasure of the historical record and the purloining of one of the means for our people to protect and guard themselves against those whose main objective is to destroy.







German Fraulines Were Well Aware

Stereotypes always contain a grain of truth, otherwise they would not still exist. To rob us of stereotypes is to dispense with our forefathers, labeling them only as benighted and backward. 






The Incestual Stereotype Haunted Freud And His Daughter Anna

One will often hear someone of the “self-anointed” Left say of a respected historical figure “In his attitudes on minorities, he was a victim of the prejudices of his day.”






"Poppa, What Are You Doing?"

What the snide leftist never stops to consider is that he too is also a victim of the prejudices of his day. Progress, at least the kind consonant with “progressive” sensibilities and what makes up the oeuvre of modern liberalism is a colossal myth and a monumental hoax.






The College Elitists

Stereotypes are too closely aligned with what kitsch self-congratulators in Jewish-tinged (at least ideologically) academia would call (egads!) common sense. Yet without these smidgens of common sense, we cannot anticipate dangers, play the odds or gauge probabilities.








Russia Forgot The Stereotype And Now They Are A Wreck

Look At The amnesia or collective blindness now clouding the thoughts of our people, spawned by the oligarchs of Jewish extremism and Marxist social theory has been brought on by an embrasure in our intellectual defenses through which shaky and syrupy pseudo-syllogisms and egalitarian dogma have been allowed to filter, causing us to forget to remember. We must instead remember to remember what we have known to be true all along and have only recently forgotten. We must also not forget to forget that which is not worthy of remembrance.

Patrick Grimm




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