A School Principal That Molested Countless Kids






Adass Israel School In Melbourne







Boys Are Told Not To Talk









One Strange Story

Parents say the Adass Israel Girls' School in Elsternwick paid for its principal, Malka Leifer, to return to Israel after sexual molestation allegations emerged against her last week. She left Melbourne 24 hours after being investigated and sacked by the school's board.








The Yenta Cougar

This 260 pound mother of eight had a lust for her young students, and she fulfilled it as often as possible.







She Did Young Girls

Parents of present and past students told Fairfax Mrs Leifer had molested students at school, at her home and possibly at school camps. One girl had attempted suicide.








Boys Heard Rumors

The statement said a "relevant authority'' had been informed of the allegations, but did not confirm if the authority was police, a religious court or an independent schools board.






Melbourne Police

A Victoria Police spokeswoman said the woman left before an arrest could be made.






The School's Rabbi

The president of the Adass Israel synagogue, Benjamin Koppel, said the school acted after receiving a call suggesting inappropriate behaviour may have have occurred with one or more present or former students.






Schools Lawyer

Norman Rosenbaum, lawyer for the Adass Israel Girls' School says: - "It's a private matter."









$100,000 To Keep Quiet

There are claims that Mrs Leifer left Australia with up to $100,000 borrowed from a family in the community two days before she flew to Israel.








Yenta Flies To Israel

She grabbed $20,000 of school funds and flew to Israel.










This Is Way More Serious Than Admitted

The police wouldn't even had been notified if this just revolved around some Jewish kids. The parents would have called the Rabbi, and it would have been over. This Yenta must have molested other, non-Jewish, children. She wouldn't have fled to Israel unless it was really serious.





Mad Dog Neulander

Sheinbein Sex Murders

Judicial Index