The Evils Of Feminism







Here Is Judith Levine, A Famous Author And Spokesman

Academic or just a crackpot promoting pedophilia?










Perverted Zionists Leaders Of The Feminist Movement








Fine, Berger, Gold and Naomi Plotz

Nearly Always Zionists - WHY?











Candida Royalle, Ann Beeson, J.D., and Dr. Patti Britton









Founding Members Of Feminist For Free Expression

 Nadine Strossen,  Candida Royalle, and Dr. Marcia Pally.








Students At SUNY Fredonia University Totally Brainwashed





Female Promiscuity And Bisexuality On US High Schools Is Now The Rage








Who Are These Feminists, And What Do They Want?

The main goal is to fracture society. They tour College Campuses Spreading Deviant, Irresponsible Sex Under The Guise Of 'Freedom Of Expression'  A Primary Message: - 'Men Are Lower Life Forms And Lesbianism Is Grace And Beauty'.







Judith Levine Began Her Sexual Odyssey At 14

Her first novel is about her sexual awakening at Camp Beth Hillem, in the Catskills. There she met young Jakob, a 26 year-old camp counselor, and amateur photographer.

Jake took hundreds of pictures of me, and his affirmation and his camera opened me to myself. They helped me begin, sexually, to glow. Things were a bit awkward when the staff found these two, but Yiddish wisdom prevailed. 1







Judith Still Flaunts It

Levine is best known for her 2002 book, Harmful to Minors, which promotes the liberalization of age-of-consent laws in the United States. Levine argues for weakening most United States laws governing possession of child pornography, the access of abortions to minors, and conduct classified as statutory rape.

The book was also widely praised by advocates of liberalization and educators. It won the 2002 Los Angeles Times Book Prize and was named by SIECUS, the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, as one of history's most influential books about sexuality. 4







Even Christie Hefner Is Involved In The Feminist Movement

Feminists for Free Expression (FFE) is a group of diverse feminists working to preserve the individual's right to see, hear and produce materials of her choice without the intervention of the state "for her own good."

Censorship traditionally has been used to silence women and stifle feminist social change. There is no feminist code about which words and images are dangerous or sexist. Genuine feminism encourages individuals to choose for themselves. A free and vigorous marketplace of ideas is the best guarantee of democratic self-government and a feminist future.

FFE provides a leading voice opposing state and national legislation that threatens free speech; defends the right to free expression in court cases, including those before the Supreme Court; supports the rights of artists whose works have been suppressed or censored and provides expert speakers to universities law schools and the media throughout the country. 






Candida Royalle
Candida Royalle is a founding board-member of Feminists for Free Expression. She is a producer and director of couples-oriented pornography and a former pornographic actress. In 1980, she founded Femme Productions, with the goal of making erotica based on female desire. Her productions are aimed more to women and couples. Her other company produces female sex products.

Royalle is also a member of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. 3







They Call Themselves "Sex Therapists"

All I see is some over-the-hill 'Kinky-Haired' Zionists trolling a college campus looking for some naive young coeds.








Sex 'Therapist'...Or Porn Peddler?

Candida Royalle says her films are an insight into a woman's fantasies. In this film she has the future bride having intercourse with a black male, at her bridal shower. One of her allegedly 'better' ones is about the Goldmans, and their three daughters.








Sex 'Therapists' And Feminists?

The majority are Zionist lesbians trying to further fragment and destroy what remains of the moral structure American society. By pushing feminism and promiscuity and easy abortions, they are accelerating the destruction of the normal relationships between male and female...especially among the young. This is the age-old Zionist Communist doctrine of turning nations...and now the sexes...against each other...divide and conquer.

'Sex Therapist' Candida Royalle (nee Charlotte Rosenstein) is making a fortune talking to college girls about how to handle crude, boorish men. In reality, Candida Royalle is just another Zionist porn merchant whose company sells tons of porn tapes to impressionable young women...and $75 female vibrators.





Who is Hugh Hefner?

Who is behind the Gay movement

Porn King's $12 million mansion

Thailand Sex Vacations

Judicial Index