Small Town Grammar School Builds Mural To Celebrate The Holocaust








Schools Pays For 25 Students Go To Dachau







The Main Gate At Dachau







Prisoners Forced To Bury Their Own Children!!









Minooka Junior High

Many schools take this time each year to incorporate stories into their curriculum--stories like "The Diary of Anne Frank" or the documentary movie "Paper Clips."

Students in Sarah Massey's literature classes and Cassie Bailey's social studies classes at Minooka Junior High took the Holocaust unit to a deeper level last year and began a project that is turning into a school tradition.







A Teacher Has A Vision

Borrowing from an idea Massey had seen at the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., she and Bailey had the entire eighth grade class create a tile that expressed their feelings on the Holocaust. More than 3,000 hand-painted tiles are mounted on the Wall of Remembrance in the museum.








25 Ten Year-Olds Go To The Holocaust Camps

Over spring break last year, 25 students from Minooka Junior High traveled to Germany for 10 days with Massey and Bailey as part of Club Travel Abroad. They toured Dachau, Germany's first concentration camp and saw the actual gas chambers.








The Ashes Of Dead Jews

Massey explained to the students before they entered Dachau that they were walking on the ashes of the people who died there.








Teacher Says "This Is A Sacred Place"

"I told them it was a sacred place," said Massey. "The kids didn't speak the whole time they walked through." "The history was pretty intense."

One night the teachers and students sat in a hotel room and shared their journal entries from their tours.







The Original Gas Was Three Closets For Clothing Fumigation

The picture shows a series of fumigation stations at Dachau in 1945.








This Is The Braussebad (Shower Room)

After the war the Jews put one of the doors on the bath house, and told everyone that gas came through the sprinklers.








Should 12 Year-Old Kids Be Brought To The Death Camps?

Yes - The Shoah is sacred
No - The teacher, the principal, and the entire school board should be put in jail for damaging these kids free polls

The Dachau Trial Hoax

7 yr olds see a bar of soap from holocaust survivor

Judicial Index