Obama Starts A Website To Counter Rumors






Obama's Father And Mother








Obama With His Step Father








His Family On The Father's Side








Obama Attends School In Jakarta, Indonesia

He was not accepted by the other students.









He Attended The Exclusive Punahou School In Haiwaii

He wasn't accepted, and he felt the first stirrings of anger toward whites.








He Was Raised By The Grandparents










Was Obama Born In America?

He was born to Anne Dunham, a mother of Jewish lineage. His father was Barack Obama, a black African from Kenya.








Is Barack Obama is a Muslim?

He went to Muslim schools, but he wouldn't hesitate to nuke Mecca, Medina, and Sharam-al-Sharif to please his Zionist masters.










Does Michelle Obama Have A Distaste For Whites?

Supposedly, she referred to Caucasians as 'Mr. Whitey'. One look at her and you can see she is one angry woman.












Obama's Books Contain Racially Incendiary Remarks

Obama is an elitist. He was raised by haughty white grandparents in Hawaii, and never accepted. I am sure there is subliminal rage there.












Where Is The Truth In All Of This?

Obama just didn't appear from nowhere. He was a nobody going to a community college until a sayanim spotted him, and he was put on the fast track to Harvard. As far as his black anger, anyone being black, and raised in America, has been treated with total disdain, and no doubt they are angry. That's been a big part of the Zionist game plan for 200 years.

What's more troubling is his elitist aura, which was evident when he addressed a wealthy Zionist audience and referred to the 'Working Class' as bible-thumping gun nuts, complainers, etc. Obama said the blue collar are angry about good trade agreements, which put them out of work.

Obama will screw everyone. He will invade Iran, fumble the economy, choose General Wesley Clark as his Vice- President. The Zionists will give him a Martin Luther King treatment, and the country will erupt into a massive race war.

Zionists need friction and disorientation to complete their plans. In Iraq, they bomb Sunnis and blame the Shiites, then they bomb the Shiites and say it was Sunnis behind it. In 1980, they provoked Iran, and a 10 year war raged between Iran and Iraq. In World War Two, they had America and England destroy Germany, so Communists could take over Europe.






Obama's background

Obama insults working whites

Judicial Index