A Gathering Of "Hawks For Zion"





Haddasah's Annual Convention







House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Addressed 3,000 Fellow Female Zionists











God Bless Israel








The Ladies Go Crazy Over Henry Winkler (Fonzi)







Haddasah, The Jewish Women Organization, Held It's Annual Conference

Nancy Pelosi, and Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik had telling messages,"We must take the madmen in Tehran seriously," Itzik urged. "Their nuclear plans threaten not only Tel Aviv, but also New York and Los Angeles." Pelosi called for "far-reaching and tighter sanctions that recognize that Iran is a danger to the entire world," adding that global security "demands that Iran give up its nuclear ambitions."

Pelosi said that the wife of hostage Eldad Regev had presented her with a set of her husband's military dog tags.  "I wore the dog tags when I was meeting the kings of Jordan and Saudi Arabia and the president of Syria," she said.

As for the killing of Rachel Corrie, the 4400 dead Americans in Iraq, the 1200 Arab children killed by Israelis, she decided not to comment.






Who is Nancy Pelosi