Another Kosher Hoax








Bush Goes To An Immigration Ceremony







Code Pink Is There To Protest








Ms Medea Benjamin And Heim Feldman Prepare To Protest











Cathy Colonberg Holds Up A Sign









Ruthie Bladderstein Is Ejected








Typical 'Zio-Trash' From Brandeis University







Who Paid For This?







Just Bolshevik Garbage







A Staged Photo-Op

Like Condoleezza Rice's Body Guards Would allow this?







An Angry Yenta









Americans Die In Iraq For This?





This Endless Insufferable Staged Hoaxes

Code Pink is a group of eight Zionist women who protest American persecution in Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and others. Basically they indirectly target Israel.  So, now you must believe that these mothers, whose children are in Harvard, Brandeis, etc., and who will never serve in the military, care about world conflicts.

The point of all these Kosher organizations is to led the opposition. Look at the 9/11 organizations, they are totally dominated by Zionists, and not one of them blames Israel. And another thing is their funding. They are sitting on mounds of mysterious donations that pay office, travel, staff, and so forth.

The main functions of these organizations is to gather intelligence on future activists.







 Judicial Index