Australia's Most Prominent Jewish Businessman








Abraham Pratt And His Wife






He Appears To Be Headed To Prison









Australia's 200,000 Jews Won't Stand By










What Did He Do?

Pratt was caught price fixing scheme by his Visy Group and rival packaging company Amcor in a cardboard cartel. He was  fined $36 million, but now the government wants 4 years jail time. 6









The Australian Consumer Commission Wants Jail Time

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, has been accused by senior figures in the community of going too far in his legal war against the billionaire price fixer.








Who Is Being Hurt?

The average hard working Australian as these Zionists cartels are protected by Zionists courts and Governmental officials.








The Executive Council Of Australian Jews

Robert Goot, president of  the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, says: "This is something about which we could no longer keep silent. The initial (civil) proceedings against Richard Pratt had run their course without much public comment from the Jewish community but the prosecution of him for criminal offences and the possibility of him going to prison is something completely different."  5









Australian-Israel Jewish Council

Colin Rubenstein, the head of the Australia-Israel Jewish Affairs Council has also weighed in. "There is a strong view out there in parts of the Jewish community of surprise and concern with this second round of charges," he says. "The law will decide but there is a whiff that this is very unfortunate and maybe unreasonable."

The new mood is in sharp contrast to the silent treatment that many Jewish leaders, who were deeply disappointed in Pratt, gave the billionaire after his civil case.8







The Filtthy Rag Celebrates The Armenian Genocide

Ashley Browne, national editor of The Australian Jewish News, a Communist rag, says: "It time to stand behind a fellow Jew"

The ACCC's  recently celebrated Ze'ev Jabotinsky's role (propaganda minister) in the Armenian Genocide.








Strictly Persecution Says Jewish Philanthropist

Businessman and philanthropist Jack Smorgon says: "Many people in the Jewish community were outraged that after being penalized he was charged again. 







Another Jewish Millionaire

Prominent Jewish businessman Solomon Lew was also disappointed by the ACCC's decision to push for criminal charges against Pratt.

Pratt faces up to four years' jail on charges of providing false and misleading evidence to the ACCC. He initially denied involvement in price fixing to the ACCC, then admitted guilt in order to settle the case with the corporate regulator.







Janet Rudinski

Janet Rudnianski, a local attorney, wrote in a letter to The Australian Jewish News: " Having the AJN in an editorial pleading emotively for sympathy and support for Pratt as he is 'our' friend is abhorrent. Since when is the AJN the mouthpiece for the entire Jewish community?"

Don't let the Goys see our inner workings.







State Council Of Victorian Jews

This high council wants the government charges dropped.








Australian Judge Brodsky Drops Charges

Judge Heim Brodsky dropped all charges against Richard Pratt (nee Przecicki) due to his ill-health on 28 April 2009.










Would An Island State Be Appropriate?

Off the southern tip of Tasmania is a picturesque small island that could be renamed 'El Nuevo Jerusalem'. Talk of setting up colonies is making it's way around Australia.









What's Wrong With Australia?

They are young and vital, and these fleabag con-artists serve no purpose. These Zionists didn't pioneer the land, they didn't start the companies, and they never served in the military.

Australia began with the settlement at Port Jackson by Captain Arthur Phillip on 26 January 1788.  The Zioinists didn't slither into the country until the gold rush began in Australia in the early 1850s. After they were caught grabbing miner's claims, and the Eureka Stockade rebellion, they quickly gained control of the newspapers, and entered government.

They add nothing, and recent calls for transferring the whole lot to a restricted section of Tasmania is not falling on deaf ears.








Australia's Al Capone

The Port Arthur Massacre

Judicial Index