Another Jeffrey Dahmer In Wisconsin











He Lived In The Rural Town Of Saratoga, Wisconsin










A Rural Town Of Good Christian People










 The Investigators Dig For Bodies









The Entire Area Is Cordoned Off








Investigators Fear The Worst








His Arraignment Is Via Video Fearing Vigilante Justice









A Sex Crazed Killer's Torture Chamber

Edward J. Lanphear, 46, is accused of kidnapping two men, a 23-year-old Grand Rapids man, and a 20 year-old Wisconsin man. He chained them in his garage, and sexually assaulting him.









His First Victim

Lanphear abducted a 23-year-old Grand Rapids man following the Fourth of July fireworks in Wisconsin Rapids. The man, who had been drinking, decided to walk home. Lanphear pulled up impersonating a police detective, pulled a gun, and abducted him..

Lanphear handcuffed the young man, then beat him, finally driving to his house where he chained him in the basement. 







The Second Young Man He 'Ravaged'

Days later, on Tuesday, the 21-year-old Wisconsin Rapids man decided to sleep in his pickup truck in the parking lot of a Wisconsin Rapids tavern because he knew he had too much to drink to safely drive home. The man woke up to find Lanphear binding his hands with plastic restraints. Lanphear put the 21-year-old into Lanphear’s vehicle, drove him to his house, and then chained him to a ladder in his garage.







Bobby-Trapped Shotgun

A shotgun was mounted behind the Grand Rapids man’s head, and the man was told it was attached to his chains with a string. Lanphear said if the 23-year-old moved “he wouldn’t be happy.” Lanphear fired a round from what the 23-year-old believed to be a .22-caliber gun and said the shot was to let the 23-year-old know he was serious. 3







Were Other's Involved?

It's hard to believe this monster wouldn't be sharing this with other Zionists.







Will Judge Recuse Himself?

District Attorney Todd Wolf filed 12 felony counts charges against Lanphear, and the case was assigned to Circuit Court Judge Edward Zappen Jr.







You can rest assured that the ADL will keep a close eye on this investigation. After Doctor Fishman, and Fritzl the dungeon master, I have to imagine they don't want another monster out there.








What Is It With These Zionists

All they do is shout persecution, but when a Dahmer, Doctor Shipman, or David Berkowitz is caught they don't want religion, or race, brought up.





The Ritual Murder Of Rachel Scott

Judicial Index