US Troops Kill 17 Yr-old Son Of Iraq Governor








It Was An Execution







This All Seems Related








A Very Odd Shooting

From all reports, a American squad went to the Iraqi provincial governors' house and shot his 17 year- old son, as well as another relative.








Two Series Of Ambushes

US forces were ambushed twice in the same area, in the previous week.







This Was Followed By A Massive Bombing

After the US soldiers were ambushed, the local town of Bahrabah had a massive car bomb go off in the downtown market.








The Iraqi Army Spreads Rumors

After everyone of these bombings as of late, you will hear of Iraqi special police starting the rumor that the Americans are retaliating after their soldiers were killed.







Americans Storm House
Governor Hamad al-Qaisi's brother, Lieutenant-Colonel Saad al-Qaisi, said American troops stormed a family house in the town of Beiji, where the governor's son Hussam and his cousin were staying. The Americans killed the 17-year-old son, as well as another relative of the governor of northern Iraq's Salahuddin province in a raid on Sunday. 3

Zionists love to keep two groups at each other's throats, and when they finally create the flashpoint for a major incident, things escalate at hyper-speed. To walk into a provincial governor's house and shoot his kid, isn't a bright move. There is a little more to it.








This Is An Old Zionist Tactic

Zionists love to keep two groups at each other's throats, and when they finally create the flashpoint for a major incident, things escalate at hyper-speed. To walk into a provincial governor's house and shoot his kid, isn't a bright move. There is a little more to it.





Six female marines ambushed

Judicial Index