Obama Hits The Western States For The Hispanic Vote








 If They Vote For Him Then He Gives Them Citizenship 







He Is Their Ticket To The Middle Class

Miguel Ernesto Rodriquez wants to be a 'Police Chief' in Modesto







Next He Kisses Up To The Jewish Controlled Abortion Clinics

Notice the paid flunky crowd






Here Is $50 And A Shirt To Hold A Sign









Down The Street From Wal-Mart













He Promises American Boys Will Protect Israel










Israel, Iran, And An Economy On The Verge Of A Depression

In the very near future you will need a Hitler type to save the country. You got a country that has been saturated in debt to keep the people content so Israel can grab Iraq, and soon Iran's oil reserves. Once they control Iran than the American economy is heading south in a big way.

You look at the TV and here is Barak Obama, a 45 year old nobody, whose only asset is he is a good speaker, and he is 50 days away from the presidency. Today he is planning to tour Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Florida to get the Hispanic vote. The it's off to New York to placate Planned Parenthood. You figure he would at least  stop in Detroit and throw the blacks a bone?






Obama lecture the blacks about loose behavior

Who is Obama

Judicial Index