
Heinz-Christian Strache Wins Big In Austria

Heinz Strache is a far right straight shooting political star. He is fed up with the gay's agendas, wants a ministry for the deportation of immigrants; says "Vienna must not become Istanbul or Tel Aviv". He promises to repeal laws banning Nazi revivalism.   He is the new star of Austrian politics and the new poster boy of Europe's extreme right.

Strache, 39, led his Freedom party to 18% of the vote in an early general election on Sunday. His former boss and mentor-turned-rival, Jörg Haider, single-handedly steered his breakaway far-right Movement for Austria's Future to 11% - meaning that almost one in three Austrians who voted opted for the extreme right.
He is widely seen as more aggressive and more rightwing than Haider, and likes to bash Brussels (an easy option in a country that registers just 28% support for the EU), inveigh against Islam, and take a loud and proud anti-immigration stand. Austria is tops in Europe again."







Jorge Haider Is His Mentor

Jörg Haider or Joerg Haider (born 26 January 1950) is an Austrian politician. He is currently Governor of Carinthia and Chairman of the "Allia








Austria's Ruling Party

Austria, and Hans Fiecher, a Zio-Flunky, are in a quandary.








Austrian's Jewish Population Is Outraged

It seems that the more Nordic countries have had their fill of Zionists looting their treasuries. Their bags are packed and they are becoming financially liquid.






Who started WW-2

Judicial Index