Israel Spreads Rumors That Americans Blew Up The Marriott







It Was A Bomb And Thermite








Israel Spreads Rumors That Americans Sabotaged The Pakistani Marriot

The Marriott Hotel Islamabad has turned into ashes and there seems almost nothing left. But the dubious activities of US officials are still going on. And despite what U.S. officials say, the fire at the Marriott was more complex than it looks.

The rumor is the CIA and US Military stayed there, sabotaged the Marriott fire system, and brought in cases of thermite.
However according to our correspondent in Islamabad, the fire at the Marriott started in room 440 on the fourth floor, a room occupied by a US official named Mathew.








Heavy Cases Brought In

According to some reports, CIA officials and US marines occupied room 440, rooms adjacent to it and much of the 5th floor. A total of seven rooms were reportedly allocated exclusively to CIA agents, of whom there were a total of nine at the time of explosion. 





Mysterious Room 440

It is also known that on 19 September two U.S. soldiers arrived at the Marriot with mysterious luggage, which was not passed through the scanners at the entrance. One soldier reportedly took room 444 on 4th floor while the other stayed in room 326 on the 3rd. Both men checked out before dawn 5:30 AM the following day.







Fire Chief Suspects Sabotage

Despite the fact that a total of 33 fire trucks fought the blaze, the Marriott could not be saved and was an inferno within thirty minutes of the first blast.
Later the same day the hotel became a blazing inferno.

Fire fighters say that temperatures at the blaze were extraordinarily high.



full article








It's All About Pakistan's Nukes

There has to a logical trail to the nukes that will be used in the coming conflict. Naturally we will see Turbaned Muslims, with angry eyes, driving trucks over dusty mountain roads with nuclear warheads to Iran.

I especially like the thermite, the Israelis used that on this Egyptian ship, this airliner, and maybe some WTC supports.





Marriot Hotel Bomb

Nuclear attack on America

Benazir Bhutto Is Assassinated

Judicial Index