Look At Johnny Beaming








In The Presence Of Such Greatness







  Abe Wishes He Was Fifty Years Younger







Palin Says She Backs Israel's Strike On Iran

Israel is the "good guy" in the Middle East, Sarah Palin said, repeating her assertion that the United States should not second-guess its Iran strategies.

Interviewer Katie Couric pressed Palin on her earlier insistence that the United States should not second-guess Israel even if it were to strike Iran to prevent it from getting a nuclear weapon.

"We shouldn’t second-guess Israel's security efforts because we cannot ever afford to send a message that we would allow a second Holocaust," Palin said. "They are our closest ally in the Middle East and they need us we need them and we shouldn't second-guess them."

Palin said the United States would naturally consult with Israel on such matters, but added that it was Israel's right "to fight against a regime like Iran who would seek to wipe them off the earth."

She added: "It is obvious to me who are the good guys and who are the bad guys."

Full Article








What A Total Idiot

She is giving 4.8 million Zionist psychos from the ghettos of Russia the green light to start World War Three. This girl is just another Zio-Clown, you need to start a third party.






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