The Timing Of This Fiscal Collapse








These Zionists Aren't Going To Take The Heat

Anyone with a brain and a blog could connect this financial collapse to the Zionists' Master Plan. There is absolutely no way they are pulling a thousand-year con without having a fall guy.

Like all cons, you can't leave yourself open to retaliation. So if Americans see their real estate collapse, their stocks go puff, and suddenly find their jobs are history, they will get off their couches and do something. A conman being discovered as a conman, is what he fears most. The point to turning America into a world-class melting pot of third world immigrants, is to make it so there is no chance for cohesion.

But the real point is, that there must be a 'Major Event' that takes the focus off them, and puts it onto the Arabs, who are the Zionist's fall guy group. Rest assured there will be another 9/11, but this time it will be nuclear. And the timing for it is now. Logically, it is going to be a nuke, because it involves just planting a bomb, not an attack like the USS Liberty, that requires hundreds of personnel.





The coming attack on America

War in the Persian Gulf

Judicial Index