Who Gets Targeted
Their main concern are the academics, and writers.
The Timing
Abu Nidal's 35 year run of hijackings set the stage for 9/11, and
gave a 'Certificate of Authenticity', to the acceptance of evil
Arabs. Now the next step has to be a horrendous False Flag, most
likely a nuclear attack on a US city.
The Zionists can't allow this to be discussed.

The Assassination Of Americans
Zionists killed fifty million Russians between 1918 and 1950.
After the few immediate assassinations, there will be a few years
until they install a form of gulags, after their revolution.
Today's Assassinations
Zionists have bred a cult of Sayanims, ordinary people who assist
and create a giant network of assistants. Their approach is threats,
job loss, intimidation, and with the control of the judicial and
police services, your options are vary narrow.
The Academics
Any professor that criticizes Israel, or discusses Zionism, will
soon be dismissed from their job. With no job, they have no voice.
The Actual Death Squads
These will be Zionists Americans. If they can't frighten you,
they will result to killing you. The preferred method today is

Identifying The Targets In America
In developed countries, the main source will be the internet.
Have no fear, if you are a mal-content, mouthing off in a chat room,
or blog, you are going into a Zionist database.
Join A Protest
You show up at these events, (abortion protests, anti war
rallies, pro Arab), and Zionist see your potential as an activist.

Zionist Operations
Everything from the Ku Klux Klan, to the dreaded Nazis, are
mostly shill organizations. Their main purpose is to collect names.
The Radical's Conventions
You attend any of these silly conventions, whether it is
discussing 9/11, holocaust research, etc., and you are identified as a
potential future activist.