Alan Berg A Talk Show Host Killed In 1985





The World Cried In Sympathy





Murdered By White Supremacists






Who Was Allen Berg

Alan Berg was born in Chicago in  1934, the son of Dr. Joseph Berg and Ruth Berg.  He attended college in Denver, graduated in 1957, and became one of the youngest people to pass the bar exam in the history of Illinois (at 22).

He marries in 1951, becoming a lawyer, then he became an alcoholic.  He moves to Denver, opens a rag shop, and starts a small radio show. He eventually becomes Denver's number one host.








He Was Supposedly Shot By David Lane

Berg was a typical disgusting Zionist, who talked about his stools, flatulated on the air, and would describe women in sexual positions. He issued an "Open Letter to the Gentiles," to the white supremacist group known as "The Order", and distaste for him grew.














Killed In His Driveway

Alan Berg was shot 12 times in the face and body while exiting his Volkswagen. He was officially pronounced dead a









Denver Police Chief

Where was the motive? Why shoot a loud mouth clown like Berg?












Berg Became A Martyr

'Talk Radio' is a 1988 film, starring Eric Bogosian as a controversial "shock jock" It is directed by Oliver Stone, and is based in combination on the play by Eric Bogosian and Tad Savinar and on the real life murder of Alan Berg.










Elohim City

The group known as 'The Order' killed him. They were based out of Elohim City, a compound in Oklahoma, that JD Cash said was a SPLC front.








Judge Matsch

U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch, a Kosher Cowboy, handled Berg's trial, and the Oklahoma City bombing trial.







Why Shoot A Talk Show Clown?

If you were going to shoot someone, you would go for a big symbol like the ADL, or SPLC, or someone important. This was a set-up to turn the FBI on patriot groups, and garner sympathy for the Zionist cause.

Berg was another Leon Klinghoffer, the passenger on the Lauro Achilles, killed by Abu Nidal, who was an Israeli double agent.




Judicial Index