The Dog Is Still In Trouble





Like Hollywood Is Really Going To Glamorize This Crew?








Dog Chapman Was A Nobody

Chapman was just a psycho bounty hunter until he arrested Andrew Luster, the "Crown Prince" of the Max Factor family. Luster was just a cretin that drugged college girls, then moved offshore to abuse 12 year olds.





The Mexican Episode

Chapman arrested Luster, then the Mexicans arrested Chapman, and charged him with "deprivation of liberty" for arresting Luster. Mexican Judge Jose Alberto Montes dismissed the charges last month, ruling the statute of limitations had expired.







Mexico Isn't Finished Yet

Prosecutors have appealed the decision.





American Judges Keep Him Under Bond

U.S. Magistrate Judge Barry Kurren left the bond in effect yesterday.





The Zionist's Revenge Has Just Begun

Luster is a 'Crown Prince' of Zion, and Dog is a nobody. Dog, and that bloated wife, are making the rounds of the TV shows, demanding George Bush get involved.






 Read About the Lusters

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