Professor Finkelstein Fights For Justice






Finklestein Is Denied Tenure At DePaul University









Truth, Justice And The American Way Are At Stake

Not since Mel Gibson insulted a Jewish cop, or Prince Harry wore a swastika on the 60th anniversary of Auschwitz, or the Kerri Dunne episode, have I seen such trauma. Swastikas on tomb stones make me sigh, but the Finklestein episode shakes my foundation of Judeo-Christian values.








The Finklesteins

Momma Finkelstein, survived the Warsaw Ghetto, and three camps, (Majdanek and two slave labor camps). Poppa Finkelstein, was a survivor of both the Warsaw Ghetto and the Auschwitz death camp.






Young Finklestein

Finkelstein grew up in New York City. He completed his undergraduate studies at Binghamton University in New York in 1974, after which he studied at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris.






Graduates Princeton

Graduates Princeton University in 1980, and goes on to teach at Rutgers University, New York University, Brooklyn College, and Hunter College and currently teaches at DePaul University in Chicago.





Finklestein's Book

Finkelstein book argues, "the Nazi Holocaust has been exploited, mainly by American Jewish elites, American Jewish organizations for political and financial gain. Specifically, the Nazi Holocaust has been used as a club to silence criticism of the State of Israel.

"Most recently it takes the form of a new so called anti-Semitism which in actuality is non-existent, but there is a claim of new anti-Semitism, a resurgence of a 1930's style of anti-Semitism, and that is just being used, exploited to silence critics of the Israeli repression in the occupied territories."







Finklestein Contends Jews Exploit The Holocaust

What holocaust? Auschwitz was a work camp, Treblinka never existed, and the ones that did exist, were detention facilities. The Germans threw communists, saboteurs, common criminals in them, and only 15% were Jewish.






An Epic Moment

Finklestein says Dershowitz plagiarized a few paragraphs from another clown, Naomi Peter's book. What this really does is draw attention to Dershowitz's book of dribble.

Israel was chosen because of it's biblical status, it's location used as an excuse to stockpile 500 nuclear weapons, and to steal the mideast's oil.






Who Is Dershowitz?

A Zionist lawyer, in a Zionist controlled Judicial system, and promoted by a Zionist media as a legal genius. His last big case was a billionaire named Jules Epstein that was 'alleged' to have seduced-raped five 14 yr old high school girls.

Dershowitz defense was to shove some detectives down the children's throats, and destroy their reputations.






Finklestein VS DePaul University

In June 2007, DePaul's tenure board denied Finkelstein tenure. Dennis Holtschneider, the university president stated, Finkelstein's "unprofessional personal attacks divert the conversation away from consideration of ideas, and polarize and simplify conversations that deserve layered and subtle consideration." Dershowitz actively opposed Finkelstein.







Finkelstein To Be Arrested

The Chicago Catholic university cancelled Finkelstein courses after a dispute over tenure that drew charges of anti-Semitism against him. A professor whose views on the Holocaust irked critics plans to risk arrest by showing up on the first day of classes.

Critics find issue with Finkelstein, the son of Holocaust survivors, who believes that some Jews have exploited the Holocaust. Finkelstein is the author of five books, including "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering."





DePaul President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider

A Nuevo hip kid of priest puts down the gauntlet. "Scholars must be free to write about even the most controversial issues and to disagree vociferously about each others’ work," according to Holtschneider’s letter posted on Finkelstein's Web site. "But tactics such as ad hominem attacks threaten, rather than enhance, academic freedom. They have no place in the scholarly process."








Student Groups Promise Street Battles

The Academic Freedom Committee, plans to rally behind Finkelstein to get him back in the classroom on campus, said Kathryn Weber.





The New York Professor's Organization

American Association of University Professors says they back Finkelstein.







This Is War

A catholic priest in one corner, and a holocaust survivor in the other. "There is nothing fake about this match."







I Would Like To Believe, I Really Would

I would love to believe some silly Zionist would sacrifice a comfy career in Academia, with all those eager young students, those attractive assistants, the collegiate atmosphere. The chance to travel and speak at various universities, avoiding the constant temptation of groupies. The million dollar book contracts, the social events, and dare I dream, the chance to meet Elie Weisel.

No, I must put this under the category of total %$##@.





Another Rebel Professor


Judicial Index



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