Bush Says 'Expect Bad News In Next Three Months'







Four Soldier Killed On 8/3/2007







Death Toll In One Day

The military said a roadside bomb killed three soldiers on patrol in eastern Baghdad on Thursday during operations targeting Shi'ite and Sunni militants. Eleven others were wounded. A fourth soldier died in combat in a western district.





Death Toll Skyrockets

Four U.S. soldiers were killed in Baghdad on Friday, underlining U.S. President George W. Bush's grim prediction of "a very difficult August" for U.S. troops in Iraq.






General Abe Petreaus

Abe Petreaus sits in his fortified bunker in the Green Zone, while his strategy of smaller units, in remote areas, who are much more exposed, are dying.





A Fool Can See There Is More To It

This is the crater from a car bomb.








Dying For Israel And Their Control Of The Mideast

Bush, and that entire lot, should be impeached. The war in Iraq will eventually cost $2 trillion in present costs, plus the expense of worn out equipment. In the end there will be 60,000 severely maimed soldiers, and probably 200,000 with psychological trauma, and who knows the costs there.





 Judicial Index