The Baroness Kohn And Her Bank Medici









The Kohn Royal Coat Of Arms










The Baroness Is Tied To Abraham Madoff







One Of Austria's Largest Bank Collapses

A Zio-Con-Artist uses her bank to buy $2.1 billion in Madoff's paper scheme, the bank collapses, and Austrian depositors are penniless. To keep things quiet, the press says the ones clipped were the Russian Mafia.











Kohn's Austrian Bank Tied To Madoff

Mrs. Sonja Kohn has dropped out of sight, leaving the Bank Medici in the hands of Austrian regulators, who took it over last week. She had invested $2.1 billion of the Bank's money with Mr. Bernard Madoff.







Who Is Sonja Kohn?

Sonja Kohn is a Jewish Austrian who married Erwin Kohn. They started as pawnshop operators specializing in watches. Soon they moved to Switzerland establishing a 'Trading business'. In 1985, they moved to Monsey, New York, an ultra-orthodox Jewish financial community where they met Bernard Madoff. In 1995, she returned to Vienna, no longer a pawnshop peddler, but now a Wall Street wizard.
By 2003, Medici gained a banking license and built further on the apparently contradictory mix of pushiness and conservatism that had served Mrs. Kohn so well. 6







Her Royal Baroness

She invented a Coat of Arms, and liked to be addressed as 'Baroness'.







The Bank Of Medici

It seems her 'Royal Highness' bought a historic name.






She 'Claims' Her Victims Were Jewish

A Viennese banker who knew Mrs. Kohn said  “With Jewish Russian oligarchs as clients, she might have reason to be afraid.” 6








The Real Victims

The real victims are everyday Austrians, be it retirees, or a young couple saving for a home and family.







Austria's Retirees

These are the people who the Bank Of Medici conned.








What A Con!

How dumb can people be to believe this non-sense? Like the top Russian gangsters are going to invest billions with a New York pawnshop owner- turned-Baroness?

The only victims here are ordinary working people.







Madoff's Investors

Judicial Index