A Bi-Sexual Becomes Homecoming Queen At George Mason University







Abraham Allen aka Reann Ballslee









The Battle Of The Queens









George Mason University








Abbie Goetz Merten Is The Dean






Isn't Bisexuality Beautiful?

Allen, who is gay and performs in drag at nightclubs in the region, said he entered the homecoming contest as a joke, competing as Reann Ballslee, his drag queen persona. But he considers the victory one of his happiest moments and proof that there is no anti semitism at Mason University.

"I was very touched by how Mason was so supportive through the whole process of allowing a boy in a dress to run for homecoming queen," Allen said in a phone interview. "It says a lot about the campus that not only do we have diversity but we celebrate it."










A School Known For Racial Diversity

The school, known for racial diversity in students, and faculty, it was selected the nation's top "school to watch" in the most recent U.S. News and World Report rankings.








The Dean

Abe Merton is another descendent of holocaust survivors. Naturally diversity is his main issue.









America's Finest Are Dying In Iraq

A bunch of Zionists gained control of the educational system, filled it with third world trash on scholarships, and girls from Montana, who joined the National Guard for college money, are shipped to Iraq?








There Is A Better Way

Let the Americans go to their own colleges, and ship the Hispanic and Asians students to Iraq.








Let Hyman Gold Serve In Iraq

Make him a first lieutenant, and let him lead America's Guatemala immigrants into Sadr City.










A family porno business

Judicial Index