Muslims On Their Annual Pilgrimage To The Shrine Of Imam Hussein






500,000 Make The Pilgrimage








A Joyous Religious Moment








A Bomb Goes Off And Fifty Are Dead







Mothers Lose Entire Families








Bomb Kills 40 Women And Children

As pilgrims march to Karbala they stop at rest areas, where there are separate tents for men and women which offer pilgrims food, beverages and a place to rest. Some 200 Muslims women, and children, enter a rest tent after walking all day, and a mysterious bomb goes off killing women and children. There was  massive security checkpoints along the way, but somehow the bomber got through.

Naturally a Zionist witness says he witnesses a crazed women yelling 'Abu Al Akbar', as she ran into the tent and pulled the detonator. Why would an Arab mother blow up a tent full of other mothers and children?

You will notice that Saudi, Iran, Kuwait, Syria and all the other countries don't have this, only Iraq.










Six female Marines Are Butchered

 Judicial Index