A Teenager Kills Twelve At A German School






Tim Kretschmer Was A Fan Of Dylan Klebold







Something Is Odd About This Shooter








A Small Town In Germany








The School Is In Rural Germany








A Village Outside Of Stuttgart






He Shot Twelve Girls In The Head







Bodies Were Everywhere







Three Were Teachers









The Girls Were Fourteen Years-Old







These Were Just Kids







They Witnessed The Executions
















T. Jakob Kretschmer Was The Shooter

Kretschmer was a 17 year-old psycho from a wealthy family. This second generation ghetto Pole felt locked out from the German lifestyle.








Locations Of The Incident

A camouflaged gunman opened fire with a 9mm Beretta in the Albertville Realschule at approximately 9:30 A.M. He moved from room to room, shooting his victims in the head.







German Girls Had Rejected The Boy

Nine students, two female teachers and one female student teacher were killed. The students were 14-15 years old, eight of them female.








The Killing Spree Ends Here

At 12:04 P.M., he hijacked a Volkswagen Sharan minivan and drove towards Wendlingen. The gunman then entered a car showroom and killed one salesman and a customer. He emerged at about 12:30 pm and a shootout with police began. He wounded two police officers before he himself was wounded by police. He then committed suicide.

Kretschmer had enrolled on a course to train as a salesman.







The Shooter's Family

His father is a successful businessman who employs 150 people at a packaging firm.







Who Was This Kid?

Kretschmer is a variant form of the name Karczmarz, which comes from karczmarz, "innkeeper." This is the source of a number of very common Polish surnames, including Kaczmarz, Kaczmarek, Kaczmarczyk, etc. Kretschmer is a Jewish name. A derivative the Yiddish word krechmer, which comes from karczmarz.  The name dates back to Poland where tavern owners and innkeepers were Jewish.   8










What Was His Motive?

He was rejected by the girls at his school, and he was just plain nuts.








What Makes These Shooters Tick?

Take the genetic damage through centuries of inbreeding, add in the psychoses Zionists suffer from, factor in their delusions of superiority, their hatred of women, and you have mental time bombs.








Where Are The Psychiatrists And Drugs In This?

Everyone of these shooters have been under psychiatric care, and were pumped full of psychotropic drugs. A diabolical Zio-Shrink could easily lay the groundwork for a school shooting.  8










Germany's Chancellor And Her Gun Laws

At this point, their interest is in gun control.









Some Germans Long For The Old Days

If the Fuhrer hadn't been forced into protecting German nationals in 1939 Poland, there would have been no WWII. All Hitler really wanted to do was rebuild Germany.







It's All About Gun Control

In every one of these massacres there is never an investigation as to why the killings took place. You need to examine the killer's motives and whether they were under the influence of drugs.







Columbine massacre

Kip Kinkel

Pearl High Massacre

Red Lake Massacre

Judicial Index