DOW Jumps 500 Points








Catch This Con-Job

Obama is going to spend $1 trillion to buy bad loans from the banks. The Zio-Cons on Wall Street pumped up the DOW 500 points, and weary Americans are ecstatic. Obama says there will be private money involved.

So in reality the taxpayers will give a boxcar of gold coins to the Zionists, they will give Obama a sh*tload of bad paper, and he will sell it for five cents on the dollar to anxious investors.

In short - Weinberg's Savings and Loan forecloses on your home, then the federal government gives Weinberg S&L $400,000, and Obama gets the house deed. Now comes Jake Colonstein, a private investor, and he buys your deed for $25,000. 








President Barack Obama

The goal, said Obama, is to get banks lending again, so "families can get basic consumer loans, auto loans, student loans, (and so) that small businesses are able to finance themselves, and we can start getting this economy moving again."









Larry Summers

Summers says this trillion dollars is an investment, and he stakes his reputation on it. Summers says this covers half of the toxic loans, there is still another trillion dollars out there. 








Obama's Crack Team

A joint statement by the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department said the Fed should play a "central role" in preventing future financial crises. That implied a wish that Congress expand the Fed's authority in regulating all financial institutions, not just banks. 6







Rahm Emanuel Is Ecstatic

Obama's top advisor, a dual citizen.






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