A Look At The 1929 Deflation







The 1929 Depression Resulted In A 33% Drop In Prices









What Is Happening Today Is Minor







Today's Downturn Is 3.5% Versus 1929's 33%






Switzerland Is Entering A Deflationary Period, And That's Trouble

Obama, and his Zio-Clowns, are telling you this is a short recession, and the worst is over, but that is absurd. This isn't a national problem like Germany's 1920 post-war deflation. This is a world crisis.






What Is A Depression?

The economy deflates. People no longer purchase items, unemployment escalates, and the cycle feeds on itself.








What Is The Best Investment?

Normally it would be US Treasury bonds because they are safe, and interest rates falling makes their value increase. But the truth is that the US Government is bankrupt.







What Is The Worst Investment?

Stocks, real estate, or any commodity.







Today Is Different

Gold is a commodity, but it went up 350% in the last 2 years. That says there is something catastrophic coming.






The World Will Become A Dangerous Place For The Scammers

This is a wealth-transfer scam, and people will go ballistic. Add in the collapse of Medicare, and Social Security, and everyone wants blood.










These Clowns Won't Take The Blame

Just look at the reaction to Madoff. Deep down, everyone realized that Zionists were behind the banking collapse.








There Is Only One Way Out

Like any con there has to be a fall guy, and today that fall guy is Iran. The collapse can easily be blamed on an "Islamic" nuke in a Mid-West city, and then the Zionists are home-free.








The Coming Attacks On America

Judicial Index