The Death Toll Is Over 100








Bomb Planted In Red Cross Truck






Her Family Was Getting Food From A Red Cross Truck











Killed As A Bomb Exploded In A Mosque






An Israeli Operative Left A Package In A Mosque









Families Getting Food Off A Red Cross Truck

The first bomb was in Baghdad, where Israeli agents planted a bomb in a Red Cross truck. It blew up as the crowd gather for food distribution.distributing relief supplies. Twenty-eight people died, and 50 were wounded, police said. At least five children were among the dead, they added. Baghdasds ofiicial declared it a-Queda.






A Bomb At A Mosque

The second bomb was planted at a mosque, killing five and wounding 15 more.









A Restaurant Filled With Iranian Pilgrims

The third bomb was a suitcase in a crowded restaurant in the southern province of Diyala, killing at least 45 people and wounding scores more, police said.  A popular restaurant along a heavily used road east of Baqouba . Travelers and religious tourists frequent the restaurant, and most patrons there Thursday were Iranian pilgrims, according to police.









What Choice Does Iran Have?

If Israel attacks, and Americans occupy the country, the Iranians will live like dogs. Special Israeli bombers will cleanse the country of any resistance. And the occupation forces will control the Federal police, and install Death Squads like they did in Iraq.

Notice that countries like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc, who are satellite puppets of Israel, never get threatened by al Queda. No bombs in Kuwait's restaurants, and Mosques.




Iran's Zargos Oil Belt

US Bases Guard The Pipelines

The Trillion Dollar War

 Judicial Index