A Book On The French Collaboration During WW2








The 1943 SS Headquarters In Paris








German Luftwaffe Female Officers In Paris








A Typical Parade











The French collaboration with the Nazis

The book describes how gay Paris was during WW2, and how French women slept with the enemy during the occupation. 9







200,000 Plus French/German Children Born

Seldom has a book delved as deeply into what is regarded by many as a source of national shame: far from being forced into bed with the invaders through economic hardship (as the official history would have people believe), thousands of French women fell in love with German soldiers and it is estimated that 200,000 children were born to Franco-German couples during the war. 8









Coco Chanel's Nazi Liaisons

The author describes a string of romances between German officers and such iconic figures as Coco Chanel, the fashion designer, Mistinguett, the singer, Colette, the writer, and Arletty, the pseudonym under which Léonie Bathiat, the actress and star of Les Enfants du Paradis, was known. Arletty later justified her affair with a dashing young Luftwaffe captain by saying: “My heart is French but my body is international.”







Socialites Judged Their Parties By How High The SS Were

The aristocracy also showed a fondness for les boches and many of the most famous Parisian hostesses, including Countess Marie-Laure de Noailles, allowed themselves to be “occupied” by the invaders.

“Their [the elite’s] behaviour helped to take away the sense of culpability of women of more humble station who felt the same fascination or attraction [for the enemy],” the author writes.







France's Top Madames Were Jewish

“I’m almost ashamed to say it,” Fabienne Jamet, a madame at one of the top addresses, is quoted as saying, referring to debauched, champagne-drenched soirées, “but I’ve never had so much fun in my life. Those nights of the occupation were fantastic.”

The money was fantastic.








France's Film Stars

These gadflies often sought out high ranking SS to be at their social events.








The French Made Albums About 1943

The French singers recorded albums tailored to the Germans. 5




Cannibilism at a French Chateau

The occupation of France

Judicial Index