The Coming Dollar Collapse









The Function Of All Currencies

The US Dollar, the Pound, the Ruble, etc are all simply I.O.U.s.







They Were Supposed To Be Backed By Some Collateral

All currencies need a commodity as collateral. It can be hogs, cattle, lumber, metals, etc. Gold is the standard because of ability to be stored.










The Chinese Use The Dollar As Their Reserve Currency

China gave us $10 trillion in goods and got back $10 trillion in U.S. paper.








The International Banker Sets The Exchange Rates

You may wonder, why after fifty years of destruction that the US dollar is still accepted? Well, it is because the 'International Bankers' set the exchange rates.







The Internal Collapse

The inflation has destroyed the dollar, what was worth a $1.00 in 1913, is now worth $.03. Just reverse it and you see that a house that cost $3,000 in 1913, now costs $100,000.








When The Collapse Comes

When international bankers decide to pull the plug, then we will eventually need to revert to the gold standard, or some form of commodity back currency.

And guess who owns the world's gold supplies.






The Function Of Gold

 Judicial Index