US Citizen Shot By Israel







He Was A Peace Activist In The West Bank






He Was Shot Protecting Children







Brian Avery's Shooting

Following the recent murder of Rachel Corrie, Brian Avery, 24, of New Mexico was shot in the face by a burst of machine gun fire from an Israeli Armored Personnel Carrier. 





Avery Tried To Rescue Some Children

Groups of young boys ventured into the streets and three became trapped by Israeli machine gun fire. Avery went out to rescue them when a Jewish soldier shot him in the face.







Surgeons Tried To Save His Face

The activists phoned for an ambulance, which took him to the Martyr Doctor Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin where he was treated for shrapnel wounds to his face, including bone fractures below the eyes, lacerations of the tongue and lacerations of his left cheek.






Rachel Corrie Was Killed A Week Later

Rachel was run over by a bulldozer.






President Bush

George Bush never said a word.





His College Tours Get Cancelled

It seems Zionists don't want this poor guy on the college speaker circuit.








Robert Fisk Has 'No Comment'

Two Reporters Assassinated By Israel

 Judicial Index