Bush Appoints Mickey Mukasey As Attorney General







Is He A Holocaust Survivor?














Who Is Mukasey

Michael B. Mukasey, 65, is an lawyer of Russian Jewish origin, who was  a judge of the Southern District of New York for 18 years .






A Lucky Scholarship

Mukasey attended Columbia (B.A. 1963) and Yale Law School (LL.B. 1967). He practiced law for twenty years in New York City, serving for four years as an Assistant United States Attorney in the federal prosecutor's office in which he worked with Rudolph Giuliani. Later, he was as a member of the New York law firm of Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler.







Senator Schumer Is Thrilled

Mickey Mukasey is 'Top Drawer'.





The Family Businesses Is Law

Mukasey's son, Marc L. Mukasey, leads the white-collar criminal defense practice in the New York office of Bracewell & Giuliani.






Wife Runs Ramaz School

He is also a prominent member of the Upper Manhattan Jewish community and Yeshiva World.. His wife Susan is the Headmistress of the Ramaz Lower School for years






Helping A fellow Zionist?

Susan P. Lindauer, an extremely wealthy Zionist, who is the daughter of Jacob Lindauer II, and a cousin to Andrew Card.  Her family owned the largest cement company in the Midwest. Ms Lindauer was arrested in 2004, charged with espionage, and faced up to 10 years in prison.

She was in Carswell Federal Prison when Judge Mukasey intervened, saying she was 'Mistreated', and declared her incompetent to stand trial. She is now free on bail, and probably won't stand trial.






Just Like 1933 Berlin

Berlin professional class was 55% Jewish. The blatant network of favoritism made life miserable for the everyday Germans. In the end Hitler had to yank them out of the government, judicial, academic jobs. The decadence had reach unfathomable levels where laws were passed forbidding them from employing German females under 45 yrs old as domestic help.






The Nuremberg Laws

Judicial Index

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