President Bernie Machen Of The University Of Florida






The University Of Florida Has 51,000 Students








The Shot Heard Round The World







The Face Of Lost Innocence








This Heartless Politician Just Watched 







A Group Of Hillel's Finest Escort Abraham Meyers






Hillel Puts Members On A 'Code Red' Alert









Florida University Is Big On Israel








A Silly Incident Makes National Headlines

This entire episode is another staged hoax. Notice the professional cameramen were at the ready, and how a nothing incident is on every channel.









Gestapo Tactics Reminiscent Of 1939 Berlin

Abbie Meyers is brutally beaten, and tasered, for asking fellow Zionist, John Kerry, a question.





President Machen

Bernie Machen, a Jewish dentist, now makes $750,000 a year running Florida State university. He if famous for paying a coach named Meyer, an annual salary of $3.2 million.

When asked about the student, Abbie Meyer's status, Machen said: - "He's still enrolled and will be welcomed back to class as 'the sooner the better'."








Students Want Answers

Benjamin Dictor, a student protest representative, addresses the media about Andrew Meyer during a news conference at Emerson Alumni Hall Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2007, in Gainesville, Fla. The University of Florida





The University Gets Plenty Of Celebrities

The University student population is the largest of any public university with 5,500 Jewish students,






Plenty Of Scholarships

Hillel has a full time staff devoted to helping Jewish students find those elusive scholarships.









Dying In Iraq For This Garbage

You have Dean Bernie Machen outraged over some silly staged stunt with John Kerry, (nee Jonah Kohn). The Zio-Media is on 24/7 high alert for young Abraham Meyers, who was brutally tasered by a 'Bro', aka Swartzer, aka Nigger.

Ship Bernie back to his New York dentist office, with a fat receptionist, and pumping up Medicare dental forms. And take Abbie Meyers, and his Hillel buddies, and ship them to Baghdad. Let them get a little 'trigger time' in Sadr City.






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