The Jena Six Are High School Students








Mychal Bell Was The Ring Leader

He Pounded A White Kid Senseless






Jena Has A High School Of 532









Jena, Louisiana Has A Population 2,971







Jena Is In The Middle Of Nowhere








Zionists Trot Out Their 'Uncle Tom' For The Jena Six









Sheila Jackson, Rev Sharpton, And Toothless Maxine Waters








The Zionist Funded Southern Christian Leadership Conference Shows Up







Who Is Bringing These People In?







Who Paid For The Hundreds Of Buses?







Talk About A Paid Ringer From New York









The Tree That Started It All






High School Is Demolition After Mysterious Zionist Fire








Where Were These Black Clowns In The Duke Rape Case?

Some high school kids, from hillbilly city, get into a fight, and every Black Crusader is on the 'Freedom Bus' seeking justice. But when some dancer is raped and beaten senseless by some Zionists students from Duke, these clowns go deaf and dumb.

This 'Jena Six' has the smell of a Zio-Stunt all over it. The standard race war plot, with the oh so familiar cast of characters. We got innocent negroes, a racist judge, the power hungry District Attorney, neo-Nazis with ropes, Rev Jackson and his barbershop cronies, and that fabulous crew from the SPLC.










It Starts At A High School Rally

The kids eat lunch in two groups, the white kids eat under a tree, and the blacks at other benches. One black kid asks the principal if these are open areas?







The Principal Says Blacks Can Do What They Want

People park, eat, attend games in patterns. No one pays much attention, until this silly reformer tells the blacks - "Go take over the Whites lunch areas"






The Blacks Took Over The White's Eating Spot

The following morning, three nooses were discovered hanging from the tree. Jena's principal learned that three white students were responsible and recommended expulsion. Three white students were suspended but not criminally prosecuted. LaSalle Parish District Attorney Reed Walters has said he could find no state law covering the act.





School Arson

On November 30, 2006, an arson fire destroyed the main academic building at the school. Everyone suspects outside agitators aka Zionists.






Fight At A Gas Station

Three blacks get into it with a white kid, he pulls a shotgun, and they are all arrested.





Incident At A Teen Party

Local kids throw a party, some unknown blacks show up, the host refuses to let them stay, and the ADL screams 'Hate Crime'.





District Attorney Addresses High School

Because of the racial tensions, and fighting incidences, the DA addresses a school rally and tells them to 'Get along' or he will start filing charges, and put them in jail. Certain agitators, after talking to SPLC advisors, called a newspaper and said the DA was staring at them.





Months Later There Is A fight

Six blacks pounded Justin Parker at the school, his face was swollen and bloodied, but he was able to attend a school function that night.





Six Blacks Go To Trial

Robert Bailey, Jr.,17; Mychal Bell, 16; Carwin Jones, 18; Bryant Purvis,17; and Washington Percell are charged.





Reduced Charges

All were originally charged with attempted second-degree murder — charges that have since been reduced for five of them. The sixth was booked as a juvenile on sealed charges.






The Main Defendant

Mychal Bell,  was charged with second degree attempted murder, on was found guilty by an all-white jury, and will face the possibility of up to twenty-two years in prison when he is sentenced.

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals tossed out
Mychal Bell's conviction, stating that he should have never been tried as an adult as he was sixteen years old at the time of the incident. 





Judge Refuses Bail

A Judge J.P. Mauffray Jr. is refusing  bail on Mychal Bell, who was convicted of Felony Assault.








New York Zionists Send In Outside Agitators

This is simply a little fuel for their Zionist race war. People like Al Rubin are all over the town.







The Dreaded Neo Nazi Bill White

Bill White (nee Weise) is the spokesman for the NSM and he wants KKK type justice. Oddly, the nightly news floods this demon with publicity, and the SPLC is on a 'Kosher High Alert'.





The ADL And The SPLC

Abe Foxman, and Morris Dees, will soon send official representatives down to Jena.





Obama Is Laying Low

Obama who had a black father, and a white Irish/Jewish mother does not consider himself to be a "Brother", and despite Rev Jackson's calls for involvement, Barrack has no interest.






They Are Still Going To Trial

Six young men still face felony assault charges, that could result in years of prison time. Their white classmates, also involved in the incidents that led to the charges, have not been prosecuted at all.








Zionist Agitators Behind The Scenes

'Concerned legal advisors' say the three kids that hung three nooses on the second say committed a hate crime, and should be charged with a felony.






Mothers Afraid For Their Kids

The mothers of the six kids are listening to these agitators.










"Ride Brother Ride"

No doubt that the main black kid beat the crap out of the other kid. Give him a choice, join the army, or spend six months in a youth detention facility. Give the other five community service. Then take the Zionists who schemed this silly plot, give them a bag of seed corn, and stick them on a freighter to Madagascar.







Kosher Hoaxes

Mississippi Burning

Judicial Index