The Virginia Tech Massacre







Campus Memorial





Thirty Three Dead





33 Dead And 21 Wounded






The Clown Who Is Really At Fault








School President

Virginia Tech's Jewish president Charles Steger claims it wasn't his fault. He takes no blame for not taking serious actions after the first two killings that morning.






Shooting Starts At 7:15

The shooting begins at about 7:15 a.m. at West Ambler Johnston, a co-ed residence hall that houses 895 people, and resumed at 9:30 at Norris Hall, an engineering building.

Thirty one students, and two professors were killed.. Two students were killed in a dorm, and the others were killed in the classroom.




First Two Shot

The gunman shot Emily Hilscher, and Robert Clark a dorm supervisor.






University President And Security Chief

They allowed classes as normal, and 24,000 kids to come to school?









Shooter Moves To Norris Hall

At approximately 9:15 A.M, a second shooting occurred at Norris Hall, a classroom.






Shooter Was A South Korean National

Cho Seung-Hui, a a student, who moved like a trained assassin. He chained doors, then he methodically, and in cold blood, shot students.








Parents Want Steger Held Liable

They want this inept elite academic to resign, and hopefully charged with negligent homicide.






Steger Is Outraged

"No plausible scenario was made for how this horror could have been prevented once he began that morning," Steger said.

He said he will not resign, despite demands by some of the victims' families that he be held accountable.








The Absurdity Of It All

A killer executes two students, he roams the campus for two hours and then executes thirty more. Anyone with a brain would have called off classes, just block six entrances, and call in SWAT, the state police, the county sheriff, etc.

This pompous incompetent Abbie Steger did nothing, and allowed the massacre. Then no one said a word, they could be called an Anti Semite if they went after this clown.




Massacre At Virginia Tech

Judicial Index