Eight Dead Americans Killed By Shape Charge






Soldiers Are Angry About Sophisticated Weapons








General Petreaus With His Blackwater Bodyguards At Fortified Headquarters








The Troops Are Fed Up With Mysterious Snipers And Sophisticated Bombs

General Petreaus sits in his fortified bunker and sends troops from large bases into local towns. He thinks a 'Bobby' walking the beat is a great example. On 9/5/2007 there were eight U.S. soldiers killed by bombs, and snipers. 

Three of the soldiers were killed and two were wounded after their Humvee was hit with an explosively formed penetrator, a type of bomb that the U.S. alleges Iran has been supplying to Shiite militias. Iran denies the accusation.





Iran-Israel latest devices

Suspected Israeli Snipers

Judicial Index