Executed By A Jewish Sniper







His Mother And Aunts














The Kid Was Catching Birds To Help Feed The Family 








Killed Over Nothing

On the farmland outside a home in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood in the eastern Gaza City Jew snipers killed Ramzy Hills at noon on Saturday. The child was killed while he was catching and collecting birds from the traps he earlier had sat up.






Arab Kids Hit Jewish Garbage Dumps

When Israelis had settlements in Gaza the kids came at night to scavenge. Shooting kids soon became a great sport for the settlers.





Kids Live Off Ditch Water

The poverty rates on the Gaza Strip has increase to 85% in 2007, severely affecting every aspect of the Gaza children’s lives.





A Israeli Needed The Practice

Shem Pinsky: --- "He was acting suspicious, so I took the shot"





No Cameras

This soldier has enough guilt






We Are Sick Of Rockets

The frightening rocket barrages aimed at Sederot will cost Arabs their children.









This Has Happened Before

Zionists did this to the Russians, Germans, East Europeans, Darfur, Zimbabwe, and they will do it to Americans when the time comes. In the last five years these creatures have maimed over 20,000 Arab kids.





Judicial Index