British Military To Pull Out Of South Afghanistan






Helicopters Supplying Remote Bases Under Attack





British To Be Replaced By Local Militias






Russian Oligarchs Ecstatic








British hire anti-Taliban mercenaries


Local Militia To take Over

The British Army is going to replace their soldiers in the southern areas of Afghanistan with paid mercenaries. Captain Alex Mackenzie of the 3rd Battalion, said  “We were coming under as many as seven attacks a day, and it's too dangerous.”


British Public To Pay

British forces holed up in isolated outposts of Helmand province in southern Afghanistan are to be withdrawn over the next two to three weeks and replaced by newly formed tribal police.


Outposts Too Remote

The only way to keep these remote posts supplied is with helicopters, but recently the Taliban has gotten advanced missiles.


Afghan Mission losing British Public Support

Lieutenant-General David Richards, commander of Nato forces in Afghanistan, has long been critical of tying up troops in static positions, while the British government has grown increasingly concerned that it was affecting public support for the mission.


Local To Guard Poppies

Basically now the British people will pay locals to guard the Afghan drug fields


NATO Points To Great Progress

Zionists run media remind us that under the Taliban women had to wear the dreaded Burka, movies were regulated for content, and children were not allowed on the internet.

Now women can wear tube tops, teenagers can see Madonna French kissing on the Oscars, and kids can surf the internet for porn.


What Really Happened

The Taliban, a strict religious group, threw out the Communists/Zionists/Russian Drug Lords, and opium production plummeted 98%. Bush sent American and NATO forces into Afghanistan, killed the Taliban leaders and supporters, allowing the Drug Lords to return. Now, there has been a mysterious increase in the resistance movement, and the British want to pull out.

So the British people will local militias to protect the Zionists poppy fields.






 Judicial Index